Sanhedrin - OK?
We are calling on the Israeli Police Force not to provide a permit to this parade, to avoid violence. The manpower the police will invest to validate the parade, together with additional security, will paralyze thwarting attacks. If the parade will not be canceled, there will be a great need to create an investigation committee to investigate the attacks and violence. The results will pale in comparison to the Lebanon War II.
For example of the former see my previous post.
On the subject of General Naveh, they seem torn between a reasonable pleading and threat. They grant that Naveh is a prosettlements guy. OTOH, they disqualify that and threaten him, albeit very cagily, for allowing even one settler in a temporary trailer to be prevented from returning, even implying that, given druthers, the court might have sentenced him to death, "theoretically". Indictments don't make them look good or reputable. One of the prime movers has already been taken to task by the Israeli courts.
So they are reasonable radicals, is that it? On the one hand, they take a rationalist approach to hashkafa, confounding today's yeshiva's. While they stick to some wobbly apologetics, they clearly mean to soften the literalist hashakafas that we have seen. The very fact that they have brought back smicha, in the original sense, and formed a Sanhedrin, implies that they reject the mythical superman interpretation of the ancient sages, and they feel that they, and the people that they elect, are capable of reaching a similar level. So much for Daas Torah, yeridas haDoros, emunas tzaddikim, and the rest of today's Jewish Catholicism. Shteinsaltz is Rabbi Shimon HaTzadik. I can't say that I am disappointed, but it is shocking. The rebel court.
OTOH, they are pushing the same radical political line that is typical of the funadamentalist right wing. It clings to the unreasonable vision of the future of the state, the one that sees the Palestinians driven out to the last person. (I do not object to the morality of it so much as the practicality. It is never going to happen and condemning Israel to eternal war until it does is just ludicrous.) On the Gay Parade, they intimate that they condone violence, that the parade is just cause for the violence against the parade that will follow inevitably. Again, this says nothing about the morality of the parade itself.
So are they fundy wing nuts, or are they rationalist rebels? Or are they BOTH????!!!!